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  • News


Facade curtain wall replacement in Zsolt Udvar Office Building

Facade curtain wall replacement in Zsolt Udvar Office Building "B"

Development in 2019: Facade curtain wall replacement on Zsolt Udvar Office Building "B" completed successfully.

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"Mater natura" by Mónika Ágoston-Papp

December 10th at 11 o'clock: inauguration ceremony in Zsolt Udvar Office Building "A" with "Mater natura" by Mónika Ágoston-Papp.

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New development: Rózsaliget office building plan

New development: Rózsaliget office building plan

We have started to organize a new investment, our new development is the "Rózsaliget office building" plan.

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We conducted a free first aid course

We conducted a free first aid course

We conducted a free first aid course for our partners in February at Zsolt Udvar Office Buildings after set up the defibrillator, our present to our customers for Christmas 2018. During the course, participants got not only basic first aid knowledge but learned also how to use a defibrillator.

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Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018

It is of utmost importance for our company to provide our partners with a safer and more up-to-date workplace environment in the Zsolt Udvar Office Buildings, thereby supporting our partners' responsible daily work. In the spirit of this, at Christmas 2018, Buda-Office Kft. was pleased to present a gift to all our partners in the Zsolt Udvar Office Buildings: at the building "B" (Mészáros street 58/B) we installed a lifesaving, automatic defibrillator.

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Welcome to our relaunched website

Welcome to our relaunched website

We are pleased to inform our partners that they can submit their bug reports online on our relaunched website. Our new website is made with mobile-friendly technology, so you can report us issues as a customer from any device online, 24 hours a day, even outside our office hours.

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Buda-Office Kft.


Gábor Áron street 25., 1026 Budapest, Hungary
Main office phone number: +36 1 214 1087 (9-16h)
Phone number to place technical issues: +36 1 225 8388 (Zsolt-Udvar Office Building Reception, 0-24h)
Sales, other requests: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reporting of issues, customer services: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Buda-Office Kft. - BUDA OFFICE Budapest, irodák és lakóházak karbantartása, üzemeltetése
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